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Our Big Blue Bird! Ready to take off.

We chartered a helicopter in Barcelona, Spain. The result is some stunning views of the Barcelona coastline. 

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2017_0131_213139_688_Helicopter view fro
Views from the cockpit below.
Back on "terra firma." Thumbs up!
2017_0131_213139_688_Helicopter view fro
2017_0131_213139_688_Helicopter view fro
2017_0131_213139_688_Helicopter view fro
The VFI Film Crew on the Move.
2017_0210_184329_742_Enrique tv behind t
2017_0125_184925_539_Madrid Vela Car w c
075A0619_Alicante Fogueras 2.jpg
2017_0125_014656_490_Madrid assembly wri
2017_0109_164923_271_Mara  interviewing
2017_0105_193605_197_Behind Scenes Valen
MVI_0770_Court trial Mara BR camera
MVI_0693_Flamenco tony ortega woman
2017_0101_200556_120_Paco R and Lolo 2.j
In the TV studio taping a show with Enrique Vila Torres
The famous Fogueras of Alicante
Setting up an interview at the Corts Valencianes
Interview at the Madrid National Assembly 
In the pack chasing the accused in his getaway car in Madrid
Mara greets a friend at the Madrid rally as TV 
cameras roll
Our friend Tony dancing up a Flamenco storm with his dance partner while the legendary "Joaquin Ortega" sings.
The film crew with a view from the castle.
Mara, Paco and his pal "Lolo."
Interviewing at a rally
Valentin and a city view of Alicante.
2017_0105_191156_196_Behind scenes Valen
Setting up for filming at the famed
press room at the Corts Valencianes.
2017_0101_162847_052_Enrique interview b
Courtney, Greg, Mara and
Enrique Vila Torres in set-up. 
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Valentin making a point
Early morning filming!
Ines and her gato, aka, "El Rey."
A ValMar Films Production
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Valentin and Greg in the video editing room.
2017_0128_014024_599_Courtney at Bilbao
Courtney getting the shot.
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LLum and Mara pre-interview

10,000 kilometers driven

7500 documents reviewed

3500 photos taken

250 victims interviewed

120 hours of film

75 filmed interviews

20 cities filmed on location

3 years of research

1 great documentary 

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